Sunday, April 27, 2008


所谓“行行出状元”,今天我在湿巴刹见到了一位状元。 在一个极不可能有惊喜的地方,我居然遇见了一位高人。 你万万也想不到这位高人其实仅是一个菜摊的摊主。 一般人或许对这些“小市民”的言谈举止不以为然, 可是我却被她超人般的神算给吓呆了。天啊!她的脑筋怎转得那么快? 只见她双手快速的将各种疏菜塞进纸袋里, 嘴巴象念口诀般的算着 “23.80, 2.40, 26.20 boss, 26.20, 3.90, 30.10 ah..." 那位仁兄买的东西可真多,共装满了两大袋。

在这么吵杂的环境, 这位auntie 摊主的集中力竟那么好, 还可以算到一半对我说“小姐,你等一下啊”。哎哟,没关系啦,要我等上十分钟也无所谓。哈,别以为我的耐性那么好, 其实我站在那儿暗地里心算她所念出的价钱。 呵呵,好刺激哦, 就象在玩现场游戏。 来吧,自我挑战一下, 看谁算得比较快! 结果如何,你们猜一猜吧。

结论: 要预防老人痴呆症, 除了在咖啡店端咖啡饮料, 这大概就是另一个最好的选择了。

Thursday, April 24, 2008

If only I could

For this music, I went to rent the Corpse Bride DVD this evening...

I came across this video on Youtube yesterday and instantly fell in love with the piano duet. I wanted to know what this movie is about... Now that I've watched it, I have the urge to look for the audio CD of the composer, Danny Elfman. Until now, I didn't know he's the composer behind many familiar blockbusters. A search on Youtube threw up another very beautiful piano piece - The Ice Dance, apparently from the movie 'Edward Scissorhand', also by the same composer.

Also found this on Youtube, where this guy played by ear the Corpse Bride duet. From his fingering, it seems to me that he did not have formal training. So inspiring... makes me wanna take up piano again.

Think I'll fall asleep with this piece ringing in my mind tonight... :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Animator vs Animation

A friend sent me an animation recently and I thought it was really cute and creative. Sharing it here and hope you enjoy it too.

Animator vs. Animation by *alanbecker on deviantART

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Unexpected guest

It was a hot and humid afternoon. I was fighting hard to keep my eyes open when I heard a chirp next to me. A little humming bird has found its way to my window ledge to take respite from the hot weather. I was so close to nature despite being surrounded by concrete blocks. My immediate thought was what if it decides to fly into my room but it was promptly replaced by another thought - to video it. It's a pity the birdie didn't chirp when my camera was on but you can still enjoy it up close and personal.

Project 2010

I had a thought recently, a desire to realise a partially-fulfilled dream. Back in 2000, I climbed my first mountain - Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa. It was an exhilatering and unforgettable experience. Although I did not make it to the summit despite 3 months of intensive training prior to the expedition, I did not regret the sweat and tears we put in. The memories of the breath-taking views are still as fresh in my mind as the morning dew.

I often wonder, what if I had tried a little harder. My physical body may be stronger back then but I think my will power did not match up to it. If I were to repeat the feat again, it may be tougher physically but I'm certain my mental power is definitely much stronger. When there's a will, there's a way. Perhaps, I can make it against all odds :)

I thought it would be good to do it again in 2010. That should give me sufficient time to build up my health and train up my body. I'll have greater reasons to eat and live healthily. And I'll be motivated to get myself to exercise on days I feel lazy.

What better way to mark the 10th anniversary of my maiden climb? Going back to Mount Kilimanjaro in 2010 will be like a dream come true for me.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Of wants and needs

"When you can't afford it, you want to have it. Now that you can afford it, you feel that you don't need it."

This statement was not made by a famous personality or journalist but it caught my eye and set me thinking when I came across it over the weekend. In our younger days, haven't we envy those with credit cards and we strive to earn one? The good feeling we get when we signed our first charge slip made us feel like 'we have arrived'. When our income increase over the years, we started to apply for the exclusive, higher end cards. From gold to platinum to titanium...we were inundated with the plethora of choices. We buy bigger, longer wallets to carry many cards that we don't even use. We often ponder which card we should use when we were presented with the bill at restaurants. Come month end, we have mountains of statements to check and file, simply because we use multiple cards. All these seem endless and suck up our precious time. Finally, the time came when we feel we have had enough and we terminate the unused cards. Now, it's the banks that run after us and no longer we chasing after the cards.

This phenomenon seems to hold true regardless of the generation. We see it replaying in today's younger generation and we smile to ourselves. It is pointless to tell them that it's not a big deal. They will just retort that you said that because you have 'been there, done that'.

Why do we always want things that we cannot afford? Is it because we really want it, need it? I think our desire is largely influenced by our peers and the media. We may not really want it but we thought we want it, simply because it looks good to have it. Forbidden fruit always taste better. The more unattainable an object is, the greater the sense of satisfaction when we achieved it.

We have different wants and expectations at different stages of our life. Although we have grown out of the credit card chase, there will always be something for us to 'want to have it'. I think it is not so much of the object that we are after but the knowledge and feel-good factor that we can finally afford it. Otherwise, why would millionaires eat at hawker centres, hunt for bargains, stay in modest housing when they can afford something much better? Don't you think it's because they know within that they can afford it, hence it no longer bothers them how others see or think of them?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

My latest experiment

I just tried a new shampoo and conditioner today. This new kid on the block promises hair darkening and strengthening. I overheard the promoter telling an auntie at FairPrice last week but I didn't want to appear interested as I don't like pressure selling. Just 2 days ago, we were at AMK Hub FairPrice and were being introduced to this product again. The promoter wasn't pushy and she sounded convincing as she (her daughter too) has personally tried the product. She also mentioned that a lady fedback to her that her white hair turned black after using 2 bottles. Hmm...that sounds like good news to me :)

Doomsday descended recently when I discovered a few strands of white hair. I deliberately refrain from dyeing my hair as I want to see if I can reverse it with changes in lifestyle. This could also be a good opportunity for me to see the effectiveness of this product. You know, it's not easy for I have the tendency to 'inspect' every morning to see if my wisdom factor has gone up. But I think I should really kick off this habit 'cos it's not good to visualise something undesirable on a regular basis. I'm a believer of the power of visualisation - what you see will be what you get eventually.

Back to the product, I will give it some time to prove its effectiveness. And, if it lives up to its claims, I will reveal the brand name here :)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Claypot Rice

I've got a newly discovered makan place to recommend you folks. If you like claypot rice, head down to Clementi Ave 5, block 345 and look for the coffee shop 'Clementi 881 Coffee Station'. I was told most of the food there are nice. I went for the claypot rice by Traditional Kim Poh Claypot Rice. It comes in 2 sizes - $8 for big, $4 for small. They also sell the typical home-cooked soup and it costs only $2. My verdict for the claypot rice: rice texture and taste is good, not too salty. Chicken is tender and did not have a lot of bones. Overall, it was so delicious that I did not even touch the chillie that came with it.

If you are a claypot rice fan, you probably know there's another famous claypot rice stall in Clementi, near 2 fish aquarium shops. Well, if you ask me, the 881 Coffee Station's claypot rice not only taste better but it's cheaper and best of all, the waiting time is only 10 mins (compared to the other which is usually 30mins).

Wonder why I didn't attach a picture? Hee, the rice smells so good I only remembered to take picture after I've finished scrapping the pot. I don't think you'll be interested to see an empty pot and a saucer of untouched chillie, right? ;)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Enjoyable pain

I'm having a bit of muscle pain on my thighs today but I'm enjoying it ;) Ha, you wonder how could pain be enjoyable? Hee... this tiny bit of muscle pain is the result of my 'achievement' yesterday. I went to the gym. Yes, I finally went to the gym after almost 8 months! I thought I could make do with brisk walking but when I felt alright even after 8 minutes, I decided to try running and I completed 2.6km :D

I felt so good after the run, it feels so liberating and refreshing. As I ran, I imagined...
...Fats are screaming 'hot... hot...'
...Cells are bouncing in jubilation
...Skin is rejuvenating
...Dark eye rings are diminishing
...And wrinkles are disappearing !

Yoohoo......... !!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

One voice

I don't like to visit the doctors. They often benefit much from me and tell me things that are not very uplifting to my spirit. Each time I pay them a visit, I have to detox my mind and not let their words take root in my heart. It's a constant battle of the mind. I only want to listen to one voice - the voice of God. God says nothing is impossible with Him (Luke 1:37) and this is it !

Thoughts on a journey

Some days it comes like an avalanche, fast and furious, totally unexpected and beyond my wildest imagination. Some days, it crawls even slower than an old grumpy snail. Have I taken a wrong route? Sometimes I ask myself if I am living in delusion. But I still believe this is not a dream about building castles in the air.

I have learnt from past experience that things somehow usually get better after I call it quits. Will it be the same this time? I don't know. Perhaps, like what the experts say, the key lies in perserverance. I've told myself I will press in all the way but I don't deny that sometimes I do have a tinge of envy when I hear of friends going back to the rat race. I know this sounds silly. I don't even know if this is more of envy or fear. Fear because I may be wasting my time and not getting the expected result at the end of the day.

Taking the road less travelled can be lonely and fearful at times but I don't think I will give it up yet. I think I can do better than this. I don't want to look back someday only to say to myself, I should have tried a little harder, a little longer.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. I have made the first step and I must remind myself not to look back.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Who is more chatty - Kopi or Bread ?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

More about the dancers

Just found out more about the dancers from an interview video on If you are keen, go to YouTube and enter "Interview with Ma Li and Zhai Xiaowei" in the search box and you'll see the 3-part video.

Hand in hand

I stumbled upon this video accidentally this evening and I felt so touched as I watched the dancers. It reminded me of those days when we were dancing. And I know it must have been difficult in their training to be able to dance like this. My heart goes out to them, my heart melts as I watch their graceful movements.

Were they dancers who lost their limbs but determined not to let that stop them from dancing? Or did they learn dancing only after they have lost their limbs? These were the thoughts that went through my mind. Either case, I know it is not easy. It is very cruel for a dancer to be unable to dance when that is the love of her life. To pick up dancing after losing limbs is just as difficult. Just think about the balancing, the muscle cramps etc. Some able-bodied people can't even balance themselves or coordinate body movements well and here we see two handicapped dancers dancing gracefully as if their handicap didn't exist.

This is simply wonderful. I am inspired and reminded once again that nothing is impossible. You can only go as far as you think you could. Self-imposed limitations will only hinder you from discovering your potential, your limits.