We had a shock last sunday after our shopping at Causeway Point. It was about 9.30pm in the evening, we were dragging our tired feet to the carpark when we saw a commotion around our car. When we got closer, we were shocked to see 4 'life-size bumper cars' next to ours. Apparently, a Hyundai weekend car has lost control, brushed past a parked car and slammed into another stationary car next to it. The impact was so huge that it sent the stationary car hitting the Mitsubishi next to it.
Our first reaction after the shock was to check our car, which was parked next to the unfortunate Mitsubishi. Thank God that our car was not damaged :) We had parked our car more to the right because the previous car next to us had parked too close to our lot. The next time someone park too close to your car, don't be too quick to grumble. You'll never know, it could be a blessing in disguise :)

Thank God for protecting our car
Well, it is a blessing indeed that your car is safe! Phew! And your steam veg lunch looks healthy, almost yummy since i like broccoli but can be boring lor... Guess u have to keep a strict diet to maintain good health. Honestly, fickle-minded and short-attention-span me do not know what hobbies i feel like picking up. Still trying to find out what I am passionate about, other than anything related to animals.
I do send in stray cats myself to the vet for treatment if sick, sterilise the stray cats around my place, contribute to animal welfare causes and write in petitions etc. But other than that, ask me do volunteer work, also half-hearted.
Why do people lose interest in life? I used to be more passionate about things. Now I seem to be getting very numb to anything that happen around me, maybe it's an auto kick-in self-protection measure to prevent myself from getting too involved with people/things and getting hurt in one way or another. Hehe, think I siao already...or hopefully, just a phase I am going thru. Aiyo, better stop, like become my blog already rather than yours, haha!
wah not bad ah... u been updating :)
Jules, maybe we can take trial lessons (if avail) for hobbies or some short-term courses just to 'test water'?
The stray cats are really lucky to have you around. Do be careful ok, don't kenna scratched or bitten by them again. As long as you're happy helping the animals, just stick to it and enjoy yourself :)
I think losing interest in life is a passing phase that can kick in at any age. I guess we just gotta find something to keep ourselves going else we might become merely existing and not living :)
hei Piko & Jules,check out this place if u r interested:
B.167 Jln Bukit Merah Tower 4
#04-15 My twelve lessons of Dance Work with them ending next week.I hv enjoyed it...err... don't mistaken, am not into dance lessons, rather this is a exercise class with abit of 'sort of' dance steps in it :)
Casper, ok will check out the website. Are u continuing when your lessons end?
Abit too far for me to go home
as 1 of my colleague stays in Jurong East & thinking that I can take a lift from her but she always
skipped lessons..I am exploring the new cc at Pioneer near my work place for easy access after work
and also have in mind to see if I can get few people to play badminton which I stopped the game many years ago after having eczema.But then badminton court always fully booked, very difficult to get courts even if I managed to get players,hmm... :(
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