Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Meteor Shower

There's going to be a meteor shower in mid August. According to NASA, it's going to be a 'great show' as the moon is new on 12 Aug, which means no moonlight, dark skies and plenty of meteors. Wow, that sounds great to me :) The first time (one and only so far) I saw a shooting star was in Las Vegas in year 2000. I was on the overhead bridge when I spotted the bright spark that shot across the sky. It happened so unexpectedly and was such a pleasant surprise.

Come Aug 12, I'll be cruising on the Aegean sea *dreamy look*. I imagine myself lying on the deck late into the night, enjoying the sea breeze and watching the skies full of meteor shower.....so romantic, so out of this world *smiling to myself* Hopefully, the skies will be clear and the meltemi wind will take a break when I'm there. Let me witness meteor shower over the Aegean sea, even if it's just for once in my lifetime.


jules said...

Absolutely envious of u, and casper too...hmmmph, make sure u take many pics of the meteor shower and remember me suffering here in the office as u are cruising romantically on the Aegean Sea! And hopefully, next round I will get to go along and not be left behind... *sigh*

Piko said...

Yo jules, we will remember you, maybe even call u so you can hear our excitement :) Yupz, come along next time yah ;)

Anonymous said...

You won't be alone in counting the stars and watching the greatest Meteorshowers ever..... :p, oc