Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Will you market a product which gives you good money but you did not have a 100% satisfied experience with the product?

Recently, I was given the opportunity to be an affiliate marketer of a product. The commission was attractive enough to make one want to market it. And, it doesn't seem all that difficult given the awareness of the product and its creator. However, I did not market the product. Some call it stupid, sometimes I also wonder if I'm silly not to do it. But I couldn't get pass my conscience to do it, knowing that support is crucial to the success from using the product. I personally was not impressed with the support provided by the team. I've experienced delayed reponse, no response and responses that didn't help much. To be fair, there were also times when the support given was acceptable.

So, will I or should I market the product? Hmm.....I still think it's no. The price is not cheap and I don't want buyers to feel rip off. It's just not ethical and I want to sleep in peace.


jules said...

Yes, agreed, earning money is not everything. Never do anything against your own conscience or it'll keep nagging at u.

Piko said...

Yea, i fully agree. Just 2 days ago, I had another 'complaint' with the support team. They simply replied and closed the case w/o asking if I'm satisfied with their reply. *shake head*