Thursday, March 6, 2008

Time to say good night

Hey, you people must see this. It's sooooooo cute! I was laughing away when I watched it. You'll probably appreciate more if you've heard the original "Time to say goodbye". Enjoy!


在王菲唱"千言万语"之前,我从没留意这首歌,也不认为它特别好听。不过,听了王菲的版本倒还觉得蛮动听的 :) 让我有股冲动想去唱 karaoke :P

Angelic voice

I thought of Faye Wong today, kind of miss her song, her voice. It's such a waste that she quit from the show biz. There aren't many singers nowadays who has substance like her, not to mention her 'cool' (of course there are some who thinks she's aloof). Hmm... why do people want to quit doing what they do best?....