Monday, October 22, 2007

Pathway to Happiness

  1. Your life has meaning and purpose.
  2. You don't have to win everytime.
  3. Choose comparisons wisely.
  4. Cultivate friendships
  5. Turn off the television.
  6. Remember where you came from.
  7. Limit your thoughts as you sleep.
  8. Have realistic expectations.
  9. Believe in yourself.
  10. Don't believe in yourself too much.
  11. Know what makes you happy and sad.
  12. Keep reading.
  13. Say 'so what?' more often.
  14. You have not finished the best part of your life.

Got the above from a seminar I attended recently and it spoke much to me. Hope it is also a timely reminder for you. No matter which stage of life you're in now, be happy always. Happiness is a choice :)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Mint Museum of Toys

I had an impulse to visit the Mint Museum of Toys today and I did just that. Located at 26 Seah Street, the museum comprise of 5 storeys with each storey showcasing a different collection from different era. The boutique cafe at the basement offers a pretty good selection. What caught my attention was the paper 'plate mate' that were laid on the tables. Each piece has a different design and makes a good wall deco in my room when framed up. I did not try the food though as I've already had my lunch but I think it'll be a good place for a cuppa tea or ice-cream on a sunny afternoon.

I thought most people would have seen how Mickey Mouse has evolved over the years. So, I shall upload the video of Felix the cat rather than the famous mouse ;)

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Food for thought


'A child that is born may not be wanted but a child that is adopted is chosen and wanted.'

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

家有喜事 II

生了。。。生了。。。哎呀,又不是生baby, 可是我家的"鱼爸爸"还是兴奋不已。

昨天,我家的 guppy 生小鱼啦,而且一胎就生了整二十多只。我也是活到这把年级才知道 guppy 是生鱼而不生蛋的。 真不可思议,guppy 的肚子这么小怎能容得下这么多小鱼? 说也奇怪,这些小鱼好象吃了激素,一天内就长大了许多。Hmm...不晓得能不能靠它来赚点养老费 :P

Of fishes and prawns

Can fishes and prawns suffer from heart attack or anxiety disorder? Maybe. Few days ago, one of the guppies at home seemed to have suffered from sudden cardiac arrest.It was still swimming happily a while ago but swam backstroke the moment more water was poured into the tank.

Some prawns have also committed suicide today by jumping out of the tank. I did not notice it until after dinner. Could they have danced hip hop because the painters were painting the facade of my block and they were traumatised? Guess it will remain a mystery forever.

It's beating again

I'm feeling my heartbeat once again... This might be 'it', I don't know for sure but I do know that I had a different heartbeat this morning :)

Out of sight, yeah!

It's a deal. The vacuum cleaner is out of my house. Now I have an extra inch of space to walk at home :) I almost thought it was going to be another 'fly kite' case when they didn't turn up on time last night. I thought to myself 'why are there so many suckers around?' It pissed me off further when I called their house number and they had the guts to tell me they were three stops (MRT) away. It turned out that they diverted their calls :P

Well, it wasn't a straight forward deal either. As always, they tried to bargain further (why don't they check out the market price before they even try to do so) and came up with all sorts of questions even after they have tested its functionality. (Yes, we tested the cleaner right at the MRT station itself. No, I did not do free vacuuming for SMRT). The deal was sealed eventually at my advertised price. Wah...pai tan ah.. Next time, better think twice before bringing white elephants into your house.

Monday, October 1, 2007

My Ratatouille

Hey, we're on camera again!
Breathe in, Emille, I can't get your tummy in shot.
I'm trying but....but...*burrrp* I just ate the whole cheesecake.

What?! What's left for dinner?
I don't know, Remy *smiles sheepishly*
Emille, we need to talk....

Happy Children's Day

In celebration of children's day, this is for all my young-at-heart friends...

Happy Children's Day To You