Thursday, April 16, 2009

Boring Cats

With much anticipation, I went to watch Cats this evening. How disappointed I was?! The songs were not quite my cuppa tea. The storyline doesn't quite appeal to me. The movements, well er... am I watching a musical or dance performance? By musical standard, it's considered not bad. But there were so many dance movements, I feel like I'm watching a dance performance. And if I were to view it like a dance performance, sad to say, the standard is not quite there yet.

Despite the loud and fast music, both of us fell asleep. This is the first time I drifted into slumberland while watching musical *omg* I was so glad when intermission finally came and we left.

1 comment:

jules said...

Hmm, i was having doubts about going to watch as well as not much of a storyline to me. Anyway, i hv my own cats to see at home, haha... Wow, it must be quite jia lat for both of u to fall asleep!