Monday, April 20, 2009

Elizabeth, the cat

I thought this cat is pretty funny, sharing with all here... And btw, Elizabeth was actually a stray cat. There's another video on youtube showing how its new found owner picked it up.


jules said...

Elizabeth is absolutely gorgeous and funny! It was heartwrenching to see her so grubbily wet and hissing with fear at first. Such a small kitten and yet trying hard to defend herself, when all she wants is a warm bed to sleep and food to fill her growling tummy. Thankfully, she got adopted. But she's so naughty like a typical kitten after that, haha.. even the sweet-tempered and friendly ferrets kept getting hit on their faces+noses by her :-P

Piko said...

so that two playmates are called ferrets... I was wondering what animal is that. Never seen it before. Thot they look a bit like otter, but their body seems too long and the color is off too. Hmm, they look more like wild animals to me. So, they're actually house pets.

Yea, elizabeth is very cute. I watched 3 of her videos and had to close my browser lest I spent too much time on that :P

jules said...

Yes, ferrets are wild animals and think it might be illegal to keep as house pets in spore altho i've come across a few here before. There was one i saw here that was so fierce and cannot be touched. Ferrets seem like a popular choice of pet overseas tho as have seen several clips before with friendly ferrets. Ya, watching elizebeth's antics can be addictive, haha...