Tuesday, October 2, 2007

家有喜事 II

生了。。。生了。。。哎呀,又不是生baby, 可是我家的"鱼爸爸"还是兴奋不已。

昨天,我家的 guppy 生小鱼啦,而且一胎就生了整二十多只。我也是活到这把年级才知道 guppy 是生鱼而不生蛋的。 真不可思议,guppy 的肚子这么小怎能容得下这么多小鱼? 说也奇怪,这些小鱼好象吃了激素,一天内就长大了许多。Hmm...不晓得能不能靠它来赚点养老费 :P


Casper said...


Got video taped the process?
So this mummy guppy is the same guppy which suffered from cardiac arrest?

Could it be the prawns jumped out of the tank to 'make way' for the 20 odd new arrivals in the tank, as is really crowded yah ...

Piko said...

Cannot be lah, the BB fishes are so so small. The mummy guppy is another one, luckily she delivered yesterday or else she might be stressed with the painters going about their job.

Didn't video the process. I don't even know what time they came to this world :P Just 'sent' her to the labour ward and left her alone, then suddenly so many BB came out.

The one who got cardiac arrest already '永在怀念中' :P

jules said...

Why u so blur? Guppies don't lay eggs lah, u should have asked me, this experienced "nanny", hehe... At one point of time, we had such a baby boom at home that I almost ran out of tanks to keep the different batches of babies that kept "appearing", haha...