Friday, June 8, 2007

It's up finally :)

Hey, I've finally got down to setting up my own blog :) *pat on my shoulder*


KL said...

Hi, Rebecca! Just read your blog this paws...what's in a name?
Why "green"?
I enjoyed reading your blog on "jia1 you3 xi3 shi4", I know what you mean when your pets give birth to a new generation... you feel the excitement, the joy...and for the warm-blooded pets like dogs, hamsters, cats etc, you also share the joy n sometimes the frustration of their growing up when they don't behave as little boys and girls eg my soon-to-be 1-year old Keeshond..he got severely punished yesterday afternoon and was locked out of the house by his master, my brother, for biting the computer wires into bits and pieces..
Congratulations for the birth of your Blog! k, gotta go, God bless!

Piko said...

Hello kl, welcome to my blog :) I'm glad you share the same excitement as me on the pets. Buddy sounds like a playful dog. It was fortunate that she (or is it a he?) didn't get electrocuted while biting the wires. Hope Buddy learnt her lesson well :)

Piko said...

Oh, forgot to touch on green paws.. George likes green plants and I like stuffed animals, hence the name. And my favourite bear also happen to be green in colour :)