Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Keep moving

Recently I've been thinking about what really interests me and it seems that I've reached a point where there isn't much that makes my heart beat. But how could this be? I've not reached retirement age, there are still many things that I've yet to try, places yet to go. I guess I felt this way because I'm unable to do the things that I once loved. But life has to go on and I should start picking up some new hobbies. Who knows I might discover some hidden talent or develop new interest ;)


jules said...

Hi dear, I am proud and privileged to be the 1st person to leave a comment on your blog, hehe... Yes, we all gotta keep going somehow, I have this same feeling too on and off but I always remind myself of how blessed I am already, so I shouldn't complain. Especially when I have wonderful friends like you to grow old with :-)

And I share your excitement of the new prawnies, wow the wonderful feeling of like being new parents. When our fishes had babies long ago, i was so busy looking after them, haha ! Catch up with u again soon.

Piko said...

Yea Jules, I'm blessed to have you as my friend too :) Maybe we should pick up some common hobbies together, then we can motivate each other to keep moving on ;)