Sunday, April 27, 2008


所谓“行行出状元”,今天我在湿巴刹见到了一位状元。 在一个极不可能有惊喜的地方,我居然遇见了一位高人。 你万万也想不到这位高人其实仅是一个菜摊的摊主。 一般人或许对这些“小市民”的言谈举止不以为然, 可是我却被她超人般的神算给吓呆了。天啊!她的脑筋怎转得那么快? 只见她双手快速的将各种疏菜塞进纸袋里, 嘴巴象念口诀般的算着 “23.80, 2.40, 26.20 boss, 26.20, 3.90, 30.10 ah..." 那位仁兄买的东西可真多,共装满了两大袋。

在这么吵杂的环境, 这位auntie 摊主的集中力竟那么好, 还可以算到一半对我说“小姐,你等一下啊”。哎哟,没关系啦,要我等上十分钟也无所谓。哈,别以为我的耐性那么好, 其实我站在那儿暗地里心算她所念出的价钱。 呵呵,好刺激哦, 就象在玩现场游戏。 来吧,自我挑战一下, 看谁算得比较快! 结果如何,你们猜一猜吧。

结论: 要预防老人痴呆症, 除了在咖啡店端咖啡饮料, 这大概就是另一个最好的选择了。


Unknown said...

She is Real Cool!!

My own mini 'way' to avoid
my mind from getting rusty:
every end of the day,
I will recall what &
how much I spend & note
them down.

I have been doing this
since day 1 I got my own
nest 11 years ago &
lately these 1.5 years
I tends to forget to record
some expenses & only realised
them on ad-hoc basis after
a day or two to 'add-in'
and/or just can't recall
how much I paid for certain
things...aiyo seemed not a
'good' way as obviously
memory failing liao..

But I will still keep doing
this until for as long as
I can : )

Piko said...

Yea, she is cool. I read somewhere about your method too. It's one of those memory exercise, to recall what you did, eat today, yesterday etc. Hee...sometimes, I also tend to forget some minor details here n there. Guess so long as we remember the impt ones, it should be ok ;)

U seem pretty quiet lately. Hope you're not overwhelm by work again. Look fwd to seeing you on wed.

jules said...

Yes, our modern generation is too reliant on the calculator and do not use our minds much anymore. I used to add up all the items mentally first before paying at NTUC whenever i go grocery shopping with my mum but have stopped doing that due to laziness. Think I shall start again! And I am very pleased that i can actually read your entire posting in Mandarin without problem :-) Hmm, not so rusty after all ;-P but easier to read than write.

Unknown said...

Basically I am a 'quiet'
person mah /heee..

No worries : )
Management jolly well
know that I can't 'afford'
to be overwhelmed this
time that I agreed to
go back & I already
think through & know
what I should do
upfront to 'avoid'
them from 'overloading'

Piko said...

Cool jules ;) I shall blog more in Chinese to help you stay rust-free :P Yup, I think that's a good way to keep our minds alert. Also helps to stay within budgt ;)

KT, good to know that you're doing fine so far. Jia you, keep up the 'just enuf' load ;)